torek, 27. november 2012


    26. novembra smo po 65 ih dneh končno dočakali mladičke .  Galka je v dvanajstih urah skotila 10 zdravih mladičkov različnih barv in oznak od sivo bež preko rdeče v raznih odtenkih do temno rjave v kombinaciji z belo .  Imamo 5 samčkov in 5 samičk. Nekateri med njimi še čakajo na ljubeči dom , zato so še na voljo ljubiteljem hrtov , predvsem pa ljudem , ki bodo naslednje desetletje lepo srbeli zanje . Oče mladičev je CH Rothesby Sholwood Red Sky in mama aktualna svetovna prvakinja za leto 2012 Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo . Ljubitelje pasme ali hrtov nasploh vabimo da nas obiščejo.

  On Sunday , 25th of November 2012 new litter was born by CH Rothesby Sholwood Red Sky and Worldwinner 2012 Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo . There are 10 pupies , 5 boys and 5 girls. I's very colourful litter. Some of puppies are available to right homes .

Both parents are coursing dogs with licence .

četrtek, 15. november 2012


  Konec novembra 2012 pričakujemo leglo ruskih hrtov - borzojev . Oče mladičev je CH Rothesby Sholwood Red Sky in mama aktualna svetovna prvakinja za leto 2012 Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo . Ljubitelje pasme ali hrtov nasploh vabimo da nas obiščejo.   

  At the end of November 2012 we expect new litter by CH Rothesby Sholwood Red Sky and Worldwinner 2012 Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo . Enquiries welcome.

 Sky & Galka on frontcover of new edition Borzoi Europen magazine .
Sky & Galka na naslovnici nove izdaje revije Borzoi European .


sreda, 14. november 2012


   Osvojitev naslova svetovnega prvaka pri psicah in svetovnega podprvaka pri psih v Salzburgu 2012 je dragulj v kroni naše dolgoletne vzreje . Niti v sanjah si nisva predstavljala uspeha , ki smo ga dosegli na letošnji svetovni razstavi v Salzburgu . V konkurenci 160 borzojev iz vsega sveta je naši Galki - Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo uspelo kar še ni nobenemu borzoju v Sloveniji pred tem , postala je svetovna prvakinja . Naš samček Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo pa je postal svetovni podprvak , to je drugi najlepši samec. Ob tej priložnosti se iskreno zahvaljujemo vsem prijateljem , ki nama stoijo ob strani , kot tudi obema sodnikoma Mariji in Blažu Kavčič .Upravičeno sva ponosna na svojo vzrejo in naše pse  .
   Worldwinner title for our female Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo and Viceworldwinner for male Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo in Salzburg 2012 is the jewel in the crown of many years of our breeding. Taking this opportunity to sincerely thank to all our friends , as well as judges Marija & Blaž Kavčič. We are rightly very proud of our dogs , breeding and ourself .


torek, 13. november 2012


  We were very glad to hear news from  Polish Sigthound Club Show 2012. Best of breed became CH Bilans God's Breath - Zaza, daughter of our CH Rothesby Sholwood Miracle - Mirko. This is her second consecutive winn of the Polish Club Show, last year she was BOS under  breeder - judge Marina Ostrovskaja , this year won BOB also under sighthondbreeder - judge Elisabeth Janzon. Tomasz & Zaza well done.

  Junior winner on the same show became Tylko Ten Polot - Motylek , also the son of our CH Rothesby Sholwood Miracle - Mirko. Motylek has become a real handsome guy and we are so proud of him. Of course, big congratulations to his breeder and owner Wisnia.

nedelja, 11. november 2012


Wioseny Wiatr Polot  - Misha and Wigray Wszystko Polot Masha are youngsters , sired by our male Ch Rothesby Sholwood Red Sky and where born in polish kennel Polot . Thx Wisnia for this beautiful Borzois .



nedelja, 4. november 2012


    After a long time we get some new photos of Gordij Gogol Wolkowo from Serbia . He is now a big and strong guy and obviously enjoying with his owners. We are very grateful because they take good care of him.


   During the spring and summer arrived   training and matches of lure coursing. Some of our dogs are excellent competitors, for some them is  coursing just a social event. We all love these events, until they are reason for joy and happiness . Therefore, training is generally the most visited.
   Here are  some photos of our dogs in action.



četrtek, 1. november 2012


  As almost every year we visited in March the bigest dog show in the world - Crufts in the English town Birnigham. There were many reasons for joy. Borzoi winner of the breed  - BOB was CH  Rothesby Sholwood Snow Hawk of our dear friend Sue Carter. From same kennel Rothesby coming  our two dogs Miracle and Red Sky.

BOB CH Rothesby Sholwood Snow Hawk & BOS Nadiezda Magnus Borzoi Saringa

     Crufts is a truly special exhibition, because there we meet lovers of the breed from around the world. In particular, we are strongly shout  for our friend Krešo Besedič and his bich CH Kantyczka from Croatia, who won second place end R.CC in really strong competition of females.  

   We are very happy for sister of our Red Sky - Rothesby Sholwood Blue Silk , who won class .          Congratulation again Sue !

    I was impressed with best puppy Ryazan Anton , son of breed winner Snow Hawk . 
   Congratulation to his breeder Jean Claire !

           Snow Hawk  at the evening became group winner of large Hound group. Well done Sue !