četrtek, 28. maj 2009


On Saturday we went to the international dogshow Varazdin in Croatia. With us was the owner of Fitulnaja Frailina Wolkowo, our friend Jerneja Vidmar. It was a very pleasant, but very hot day. The temperature has climbed to 34 degrees Celsius. I bought a new tent for shade, but I forgot it at home. Thanks God we are there to find shade. We met some friends from Croatia and Hungary.Judge was mr. Luis Catalan from Portugal . Our Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo won open class and took CAC & CACIB and BOB. Finally he was ranked to second place in sighthound group. I just adore him ! Galantnaja Galka Wolkowo again demonstrated that she’s the first dramaqueen in the house, however, has become the youth winner. Fitulnaja Frailina Wolkowo won the open class, took the CAC . In the final account for title CACIB she has overcome by a champion Dober-Kopp Black Shirocco, beautiful bitch of our friend Agnes Koppany from Hungary. At the end in veteran Class CH Barhatnij Buket Wolkowo showed what youth should do in the ring . She was best veteran - borzoi and she has become the Best veteran in show . This was truly a great day for all of us and we are so poud for this reults ! On the way home we stopped at Jerneja's fairy home where her mother prepared an excellent lunch in the shade of a big nuttree .Thanks Jerneja for company and hospitality!

Published photographs are the property of T. Klemencic, A. Koppany and J. Vidmar.

sreda, 27. maj 2009


Tomislav Klemenčič long-standing member of Wolkowo team send us happy news that his JCH Gordei Galakhtion Wolkowo - Pinto became the Junior Champion. Congratulations! Pinto was handled on dogshows Rovinj and Umag , once by a young & promising doghandler Juraj Sokolić and second by one of the best professional doghandlers - Denis Sabolić from Croatia. Our Pinto is now pure »Purger« :-)


Joachim Doering sent us the address of his new homepage www.silkenwindhound-tanner.de. There the space to share silkenwindhound Tanner and borzoi Gerojski Gavril Wolkowo. Here we also find photos of Gavril. He looks nice !


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