Published photographs are the property of T. Klemencic, A. Koppany and J. Vidmar.
WOLKOWO BLOGG for sighthound fanciers / BLOG namenjen vsem ljubiteljem hrtov . Helena Arh & Davor Margeta adress : Podnart 54 , 4244 Podnart , Slovenija tel:+38641776591 ,+38617806412 email:, homepage : Suported by Eukanuba -
Published photographs are the property of T. Klemencic, A. Koppany and J. Vidmar.
Joachim Doering sent us the address of his new homepage There the space to share silkenwindhound Tanner and borzoi Gerojski Gavril Wolkowo. Here we also find photos of Gavril. He looks nice !